Reading and writing data
CSV - reading and writing
Reading and writing CSV files is an important feature for any system which works with data. The reason for its importance is the simplicity of the file format and its popularity.
Rapaio library offers support for both reading and writing operations. It has a lot of features and allows flexibility. However we read a file only into a data frame, and we write a csv file only from a data frame. This might look like a constraint in the beginning, but it comes natural since both are tabular data. The only difference is the fact that one operates in the memory of a program and the other one is persisted on disk.
Simple read/write data frames from/into Csv files
We can read a file with the default options simply by instantiating a
object and calls one of read
Frame iris = new Csv().read(Datasets.class, "iris-r.csv");
We select few rows and inspect what it is inside:
// use only few rows
iris = iris.mapRows(0, 1, 50, 51, 100, 101);
.. with the following output:
sepal-length sepal-width petal-length petal-width class
5.100000 3.500000 1.400000 0.200000 setosa
4.900000 3.000000 1.400000 0.200000 setosa
7.000000 3.200000 4.700000 1.400000 versicolor
6.400000 3.200000 4.500000 1.500000 versicolor
6.300000 3.300000 6.000000 2.500000 virginica
5.800000 2.700000 5.100000 1.900000 virginica
Persisting a data frame into csv file format is also simple. We instantiate a
object and call one of implementation of write
new Csv().write(iris, "/tmp/iris.csv");
If we open the /tmp/iris.csv
file with an editor, we can discover that it will have the following content:
Various read and write methods for Csv
Java has a nice abstraction over data named input and output streams. This is enough to make any tool to read or write data from anywhere. We followed that line of thinking by having
public Frame read(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException
public void write(Frame df, OutputStream os) throws IOException
Implemented on Csv class. With these two methods we basically can read from anywhere and can write to anywhere.
To simplify some common tasks there are some specialized forms of read and write:
- Read from a file giving a
instance - Read from a file giving a
for path name - Read from a gz archive
instance Read from a resource giving
for class and name of the resource (this is useful when loading data from a loaded jar or for test)Write ...